

Partner zaštita


Firefighting services are provided by specially trained and equipped firefighters that have successfully completed professional fireman training. They can also be fire technicians who are located at some facilities and monitor the fire safety system, check the regularity of protective equipment, and tour the facility in order to identify fire threats. Firefighters use the equipment and clothes in accordance with legislation and the needs of the facility.

Please fill in the bid request form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    Business facilitiesReception servicesConstruction site securityCorporate eventsConcerts, public gatherings, and sport eventsMonitoring and storage of valuesBodyguardsFirefightersThreat estimation

    Access controlAlarm systemVideo surveillanceAlarm centerThreat estimation

    *By submitting this form, you agree to have your personal data processed by Partner Zaštita d. o. o.

    *Your personal information will not be forwarded to third parties. They will only be used for business correspondence.

    *The data will be processed confidentially and handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.