Partner broker

Partner broker d.o.o.

PARTNER ZAŠTITA d. o. o. (LLC) provides private security services in accordance with the Private Protection Act. It ensures all its clients a professional approach that reduces the risk of threat to persons and property.

Given that risk is something we pay great attention to, we want to reduce it as much as. Together with our sister company, an authorized broker in insurance and reinsurance, we encompass risk in a broader sense, thus providing a higher service. If damage occurs, our partner company – Partner Broker d. o. o. – resolves the claim. 

PARTNER BROKER d. o. o. is an insurance brokerage company that carries out the following activities:

  • Analysis of existing risks and insurance policies, so as to ensure quality coverage and protection of people and assets, as well as to protect financial and legal interests
  • Negotiations with insurance companies so as to offer the client the best premium-to-coverage ratio
  • Controlling the increase and decrease in risk for the duration of the insurance contract, so as to prevent unexpected occurrences related to the insurance
  • Improvement of processes and assistance in establishing rights from the insurance (insurance restitution)
  • Assistance with drawing up paperwork needed to carry out public procurement procedures
  • Finding insurance solutions for specific risks in the reinsurance market

To ensure a quality and efficient process of reporting and claiming damages, a broker will, together the client, do the following:

  • Arrange in advance the procedures and processes needed to restitute damages to ensure lesser engagement of the client and make the damage restitution process as simple as possible
  • Provide assistance with damage claim
  • Supervise the entire process – damage claim to damage restitution
  • If needed, engage experts to evaluate damage cause and cost

PARTNER BROKER d. o. o. represents clients before insurance companies based on a power of attorney. The company is also authorized to collect and analyze insurance offers from all prominent insurance companies in Croatia.

Visit the Partner Broker website