Access Control

Kontrola pristupa

Partner zaštita


The access control system regulates the access and movement within a facility. Various data is collected and readied for analysis.

Access control is used for:
  • Controlling entry into the facility
  • Controlling the entry into parking lot and garages
  • Restricting movement in facility spaces, depending on their importance
  • Recording working hours
  • Recording visitor movement
  • Linking to other technical security systems (alarm, video monitoring, fire alarm, etc.) and the complete functionality within more complex systems through the use of their features

Based on user demands, we can draw up a proposal for installing and using an access control system, independently and together with other security systems.

Please fill in the bid request form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    Business facilitiesReception servicesConstruction site securityCorporate eventsConcerts, public gatherings, and sport eventsMonitoring and storage of valuesBodyguardsFirefightersThreat estimation

    Access controlAlarm systemVideo surveillanceAlarm centerThreat estimation

    *By submitting this form, you agree to have your personal data processed by Partner Zaštita d. o. o.

    *Your personal information will not be forwarded to third parties. They will only be used for business correspondence.

    *The data will be processed confidentially and handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.